Nashoba Valley Weavers Guild
December 6, 2022, Meeting & Workshop RSVP Required
1:00 PM–3:00 PM (in-person only)
Congregational Church of Harvard, 5 Still River Road, Harvard, MA
Fran Levi will present Hemstitching & Friends
On-loom techniques for stabilizing first and last weft rows and really dressing up a piece of weaving. This is a fast paced, hands on review of some of the neglected tools in your weaving toolbox. You will go home with a sampler of techniques for future reference.
Things to bring:
Sewing scissors
Sewing glasses
Selection of tapestry needles
Tie on tags for labeling (I’ll bring some if you don’t have them handy)
Tatting hook or tiny crochet hook (optional)
Knitting needle 12” or shorter any size between 0 & 5 (optional)
Magnification (optional)
Personal work light (optional)
We are asking that those who are planning on attending to please RSVP so that we have an adequate number of kits prepared. Here is the link to the RSVP form.
This year’s Theme and Challenge:
This year’s theme: Out of the darkness, into the white!

As we begin to re-emerge into a new Pandemic-induced normal, we reflect on things we’ve learned during quarantine. We learned that inclement weather meetings don’t need to be canceled when they are held online. We also learned that some speakers are willing to “Zoom in” from different locales, giving us affordable access to presentations that are out of our geographical area. Finally, we learned that many of us appreciate “in person” meetings when it’s safe to do so, especially when Show and Tell is involved! This year’s program calendar tries to balance all of these lessons. Check out our upcoming programs here.
This year’s Challenge: Weave something using just one color (color of your choice) and white. Get as inventive as you like! What effects can you create? Which tints of your chosen color do you like best? Challenge yourself to go beyond your comfort zone, or stay right within it. Have your piece(s) ready to showcase and talk about at the Annual/Potluck meeting in June!
25Oct2022 Meeting
Come explore with us on Tuesday 25Oct at 7pm on Zoom! has multiple useful design and exploration tools to offer weavers of all levels. In addition to drafts, there is a draft editor, a color editor, a digital archive, and more. The base website is available for free. A low cost subscription gives you access to all the tools. Co-Chair Penny Lacroix will lead this Zoom presentation.
The link for the Zoom meeting will be sent out to all members prior to next Tues. Not a member and want to join the meeting? Guests are welcome. Email to request the login credentials.
Reminder: Dues for the 2022/23 year are due by this meeting! If you haven’t paid, please send cash or check for $25 to PO Box 50, Harvard MA 01451.
Scientific American article
The October issue of Scientific American has a very interesting article, the cover article in fact, on textiles woven by Viking women. In Iceland for several centuries women wove cloth used as money, and textiles from Greenland show a change to weft-dominant cloth as the climate got colder during the Little Ice Age.
September 27, 2022 meeting announcement!

Harvard-Bolton Open Studios Weekend, October 1-2, 2022
An opportunity to demonstrate weaving and sell finished goods at the Bolton-Harvard Open Studios weekend of October 1-2, 2022. The hours are 10:00 AM-4:00 PM on Saturday and 12:00 noon to 4:00 PM Sunday, with the option to stay till 5:00 PM.
The Fiber Loft is giving us use of the upstairs space. The Guild will have to take payments for our goods with 10% of sales to be paid to the Fiber Loft for commission.
The Greater Boston Yarn Crawl is the same weekend and higher than average numbers of people are anticipated to be visiting the store. It is an excellent opportunity for a weaving demonstrations to the public, selling our finished items, along with some of Pauline Duke’s finished goods, and publicity for the Guild.
There will be plenty of company! Several guild members (Leslie, Chris, Reba, and Penny) plan to attend. You can come for just one day or part of the day. Who else wants to join us?
Summer Break
The NVWG is currently on Summer Break, but things are on track for the fall on the fourth Thursday of the month! Check the Program tab for dates and details as they become available. In the meantime, members are invited to post comments and photos about your own summer fiber fun! Here are some of mine.

June Meeting and Pot Luck
The Annual Meeting and Potluck are set for June 28, 2022, with rain dates of June 29 or June 30, 2022, at the home of Marie Porteus.
The meeting will start time is 6:00 PM. This is the Guild’s Annual Meeting and on the agenda is a vote on the revisions and amendments to the Bylaws, election of officers, and announcements.
We have scheduled fun time with the guild challenge and other show and tell projects, eating, socializing, and door prizes.
You can bring your own food and drink if you’re not comfortable sharing or bring a dish to share if you feel comfortable doing so.
Please, bring a chair, bug spray, your own place setting, appropriate layers for sun or chilliness, etc.
Masks are optional. Restrooms are inside, but everything else will be outside
We’ll send Marie’s address to the membership list rather than posting it online.
NVWG May 24, 2022, Meeting 7:00 PM Hybrid Format
Our May 24, 2022, guild meeting will start at 7:00 PM. This is the meeting originally scheduled for April that was postponed. It will be conducted in the hybrid format so those that are interested in meeting in person will have the option to do so and those who would prefer to Zoom will have that option open to them. The meeting link will be provided by Kathy closer to the date of the meeting. The live in-person meeting will be held at the United Church of Christ, 5 Still River Road, Harvard, MA.
Sue Hall-Smith will present Color and Weave Using Huck: The Results of MY COE II Project. Sue will be showing some of the many samples she wove for this study for her COE II, as well as the finished pieces. After a quick refresher on Huck Lace’s structure, she will introduce the variations she discovered during this process. The placement of color (as the float or as the ground) within the Huck unit creates a whole new appearance in the cloth. Adding a third color to the design opens up more possibilities.
Tonight’s meeting has been changed to ZOOM ONLY. Please do not go to the church. No one will be there.
The Zoom link was sent out to the membership list earlier today.
The speaker is a last minute fill in. We will have Sue Hall-Smith come another time.