Happy New Year! Our next meeting will be held on 23Jan2018, at the Fiber Loft. Social/library time starts at 7pm. Our program will be on warping a rigid heddle loom, presented by Reba Maisel. Reba will demonstrate the direct warping method, which is a means to warp the loom without the need of a warping board.
We also have a number of fiber related dates to share:
Epic Yarn Sale-
Saturday January 27, 10 am to 2 pm
75 Bascom Road in Gill, MA 01354.
PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN BAGS. Strict time frame. Feel free to bring your weaving friends too! I’d love RSVP’s if you think of it, but if not, please come anyway!
The stash includes 20/2 cotton, some Vav linen, 10/2 cotton, some wools, some tapestry yarns still in their “salad boxes,” lovely thick chenille, 3/2 cotton, novelty sparkly yarns, some knitting yarn that I’ve used on the loom with success, bits of cottolin, much more. Like I said, 7 big boxes are spilling over right now with smaller bags on top.
Also, 2 raddles, a temple, and one 40″, 4H Harrisville loom, very sturdy and in good condition that I’m just not going to use. Make me an offer!
Hope to see you on the 27th!
all the best,
“Kathy Litchfield” <kathy@FirecrowHandwovens.com>
Diversified Fiber Art Traditions
Sidell Gallery
Essex Art Center
56 Island Street, Lawrence, MA 01840
January 12 – March 16, 2018
Hours: Monday through Friday 10AM-6PM
This group exhibit brings together fiber artists who exploit the
properties of materials to create a variety of works that represent
their particular specialty, from traditional textiles to contemporary
mixed media artwork. It will include clothing, costume, functional,
and decorative works created and enhanced through dying, spinning,
weaving, felting, knitting and other techniques.
The exhibit features the work of weavers Sarah Fortin from Mason, NH,
and Deborah Watson from Georgetown, MA; felt artist, Barbara Poole
from Lowell, MA; textile designer, Nancy Evans from S. Sutton, NH;
shepherdess and fiber artist, Natalie Redding from Temecula, CA;
fiber artist, Karla Cook from Andover, MA and fiber and glass artist,
Sandy Dukeshire from Andover, MA.
Rushnyky: Ukrainian ritual textiles
The Museum of Russian Icons in Clinton
Opening on February 15
6-8pm, free for Museum members, $15 for nonmembers
The exhibit will celebrate and explore Ukrainian culture through one of their most ancient and valued traditions and will feature over 80 rushnyky, Ukrainian icons, and related artifacts from the collection of Franklin Sciacca Associate Professor of Russian Language and Literature at Hamilton College in NY.
The opening reception will take place on the 15th from 6-8pm and is free for Museum members, $15 for nonmembers. Frank Sciacca, owner of the collection and curator of the exhibition, will talk about the rushnyk as artifact—its construction, regional variations, and functions as a ritual talisman in life transitions. A reception with wine and hors d’oeuvres will follow the presentation.
A Rushnyk is a long, rectangular, cloth that woven in one solid piece and is sometimes adorned with bright, intricate, patterns that are recognized and admired worldwide.They are are steeped in tradition and faith, the shape of the cloth represents life’s journey, the ornamentation captures the cultural ancestral memory of the region, and it is believed to be a median between the secular and the divine. The material used is either linen or hemp and the act of spinning the thread and the process of weaving embodies spiritual power dating back to the ancient deity Mokosh who is often represented in embroidery. The needle has its own energy, an idea similar to acupuncture, and the color of the thread has sacred meaning. Red represents life and is the main color used.
Rushnyk have many uses with the very basic, colloquially called the utyralnyk or wiper, serving as a towel. In contrast, a nabozhnyk is a highly decorated Rushnyk composing of embroidery and of lace. Nabozhnyks, also called nabraznyks or nakutnyks are used to decorate icons and icon corners in homes. As ritual objects they are used in ceremonies from birth to death. Newborns are immediately laid on a rushnyk, the intricate wedding formalities utilize several rushnyky, they are displayed in the home, and are even sometimes used to lower coffins into the ground. The cloths are traditionally made by women who start at a very young age, today the cloths can be purchased and most are machine made using modern materials.
TC2 workshop in South Dartmouth, MA with Cathryn Amidei
March 22-24, 2018 / Start time 9 am to 5 pm / 3 day workshop fee $450 includes materials.
at Laurie Steger’s Studio (a.k.a. Camp Opalala), 2 Cranberry Lane, South Dartmouth, MA 02748
for information and registration, please contact: lauriesteger11@gmail.com
or call/text to 508-272-9004cell, www.liteweave.com
Cathryn Amidei’s three day workshop is a comprehensive concentration that takes you through the woven design and drafting process, using photoshop, to create planned drafts for weaving jacquard fabrics. You will weave on the TC2 /Thread Controller Jacquard loom using your design drafts. The TC2 is a handloom that digitally controls every thread in the warp, independently. This capability expands the range of options for explorations in imagery, color, texture and dimensions in the woven matrix. The computer interface with photoshop allows for rapid adaptation to ideas and modifications of the woven structure diagram. Participants will begin with an introduction to the loom and then have guided instruction through the basics of file development and multiple weaving techniques. Participants will create a sample portfolio that includes single shuttle bit-map imagery through multiple colors/shuttles and structure explorations with approximately 6 hours of individual weaving time on the TC2 loom. The last day , the 24th, includes a small dinner party with show and tell from 4-7pm.
Cathryn Amidei has been weaving for over 20 years. She is a generous educator devoted to sharing her love and knowledge of weaving. As the principal of Digital Weaving, USA, in partnership with Digital Weaving Norway, the TC2 loom manufacturer, Cathryn travels extensively teaching and supporting weavers with the TC2 jacquard loom.
Weaving demonstration by Rabbit Goody
The Museum of Russian Icons in Clinton
April 29
Here is a link to the exhibition on our website. http://www.museumofrussianicons.org/upcoming-exhibitions/
Wool & Whiskey Tour of Scotland
September 28th – October 7th
Details: http://mailchi.mp/b88ce728b95a/welcome?e=9eafa6a1a2