This is an in-person meeting that begins at 7:00 PM with social and library browsing time. The program–Creative Meditation: Finding Connection through Making with Christopher Croucher starts at 7:30 PM.
Creative Meditation: Finding Connection through Making
Meditation isn’t just about making your mind go blank. In fact, unless you’re a monk high in the Himalayas, that’s really not the goal of meditation at all. There are so many ways and so many reasons to practice reaching a meditative state including stress reduction, clearer thinking and even some health benefits. One of my favorite ways to reach that state is to dive fully into a creative project.
In this workshop we will briefly discuss meditation, what it is and isn’t, and some of its benefits. Then we will practice together with a guided meditation about connecting with our craft and art. All you need is an art or craft you’d like to work on, preferably something a bit repetitive or simple like a simple knitting project, spinning, stitching or simple embroidery, sketching or anything that doesn’t require checking on a pattern.
I look forward to sharing this technique with you!
Christopher Croucher is an artist, performer and healer who enjoys weaving (pun intended) those three aspects of his work together to create beautiful experiences for those he encounters. Chris practices a wide range of arts and crafts including but never limited to spinning and knitting, watercolor painting, sculpting, pyrography, sewing, and in many cases anything else he can get his hands on. He is a professional dancer and choreographer and is currently growing his meditative dance series called Letting the Land Lead. He also works with groups and one-on-one clients as a massage therapist and energy healer and teaches workshops based on all of his work. During whatever time he has after doing all of that, Chris loves to be in nature. Most of all, he simply loves sharing his passion for the magic of the world.