Reba asks that we bring our woven lap blankets to the Guild meeting on Dec. 1. If you can’t make it then, you can leave them at the Fiber Loft by Dec. 15.
Bring them in and let us all admire them!
Reba asks that we bring our woven lap blankets to the Guild meeting on Dec. 1. If you can’t make it then, you can leave them at the Fiber Loft by Dec. 15.
Bring them in and let us all admire them!
If you are participating in the nursing home blanket donation project, Reba will be collecting finished blankets at the meeting this coming Tues afternoon. This initial group of blankets will be donated in time for Christmas. Another collection will be taken next year, so please keep working on them even if you can’t finish by Tues!
I plan to bring some Fair Trade Mayan woven and other goods to sell at the guild meeting on Dec. 1. The items are from Mayan Hands and UPAVIM, two cooperatives of women weavers in Guatemala. I have brought them to the December meeting for the last few years, and they have been popular. Bring your checkbooks!
Weaver’s Design Poker! We played this game at our October meeting, and many of us went home with a “hand of cards” to use for this year’s Challenge. The cards are marked with various design elements. A 5-card-hand may have elements related to color, type of yarn, structure/design and other miscellany. We challenge you to use as many of the elements as possible in a woven piece that will be presented at the June 2016 potluck.
Didn’t make the October meeting? It’s not too late to play! Please contact Penny ( and she’ll make sure you get some cards appropriate for your personal weaving challenge.
This was sent via email thru our website, so I’m passing it along. Even if you don’t spin, it sounds like an interesting project! Read below:
Hello from North Louisiana,
I raised over 300 Louisiana Brown Cotton plants this summer. We have almost finished picking and ginning. Would you be interested in some fiber?
You can see the project on my Facebook page. ANTHONY LIONEL MULLINS. Louisiana Brown Cotton Project 2015 folder for the photos.
There is also a great new documentary about the BROWN COTTON. Here is the link……..
Tony Mullins