At Weavers of Western Mass on Feb 15, 2017, please join us!
Using Marian Stubenitsky’s Weaving With Echo and Iris book as a springboard, the Echo Weave Study Group has been busy exploring this diverse weaving system. At the February meeting, the members will show their samples and finished pieces, and share what they learned. Echo weave can be intimidating, but with a computer weaving program the study group found that it’s not difficult to create beautiful work. Come and see the diverse shapes, including diamonds, circles, waves, and flowers that can be formed when treadlings have been networked and colors applied to design lines that have been “echoed” in the threading. Although echo can be woven with 4 shafts, the group achieved spectacular results using 8 or 16 shafts.
Several current and former EiAW class members participated in this study.
Meeting at the Hill Institute, Florence, MA
12:30PM-1:00PM Refreshments / Socializing
1:00 PM-1:40PM Guild Business Meeting concludes with Show & Tell
1:45PM-3:15PM Program