New Skeleton Tieup Search
We have added a new page to help find skeleton tieups for weaving on rising shed looms.
Please see:
Skeleton tieups are useful if you have enough shafts to weave a draft but not enough treadles, and don’t mind using more than one treadle at once.
You can either enter the original tieup directly, or upload a WIF file containing it and we will try to find a skeleton tieup for it which can be woven on your loom.
The page uses some special custom parallel programming which runs using processing power provided by Amazon’s cloud services.
This was inspired by another similar page named Tim’s Rudimentary Treadle Reducer, but likely works very differently underneath.
Below is a sample showing a skeleton tieup for pattern #59161, found here:
If this is popular we will probably expand it to have more features and to work with looms that are not rising shed too.
This skeleton tieup search was a learning project for me. It offered chance to use some brand new technologies while creating something that is hopefully useful to weavers, especially those with 4 and 8 shaft looms. This was actually surprisingly difficult yet fun to create…there is a lot of set theory math involved in treadle reduction and careful technical design and programming needed to find and present skeleton tieups. Of all the things I’ve programmed for it’s one of the more complicated underneath even though it looks simple on the surface.
Enjoy, and please share or forward this to help others find it! –Kris Bruland
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