Your guild needs you! Open Board of Directors positions
Every June we have elections for half of the NVWG Board. All terms are for 2 years unless noted. This year we will vote on the following positions:
- Co-Chair
- Secretary
- Communications Director
- Publicist
- Hospitality (1 year, to fill vacancy)
- Programs
- NEWS Rep
- 2 At Large Members
(Job descriptions for the open positions are below. All positions are described in our Bylaws document .)
Per our Bylaws, the nominating committee is made up of all of the Board members whose terms are not expiring. That committee will be headed by Laura.
As our new Bylaws dictate, there are term limits for the Co-Chair and Secretary positions. This means that Penny and Krista cannot continue in these rolls. We must nominate new people for these positions.
Please make nomination suggestions to Laura or any current Board member. The Board usually meets for an hour just prior to our regular Guild meetings, and we generally have a lot of fun. Please consider joining us!
Excerpt from Nashoba Valley Weavers’ Guild, Bylaws Article IV, Duties
- The Chairpersons provide purpose and direction to the Guild, set the agenda for meetings, preside at all meetings of the Guild and the Board of Directors, and delegate and/or carry out other responsibilities as needed. The Chairpersons shall also contribute information to the website/blog, or the current method of Guild Communications, to inspire the Guild body. The Chairpersons will be responsible for the assembly of the Annual Report, based on inputs from the other Board members. The Annual Report will be presented no later than the September Board meeting and will cover the Guild’s previous fiscal year, with final version/approval no later than the October Board meeting
- Treasurer
- The Secretary will take the minutes of all Board of Directors meetings and distribute them to the Board. The Secretary will conduct all correspondence needed upon the Guild’s behalf and keep an archive of the meeting minutes.
- The Communications Director will ensure that all guild activities are posted to the website/blog and/or other current communications channels in a timely fashion.
- The Publicist will write articles and submit them to local and/or online publications telling of Guild activities, publicize events, create computer graphics for materials, and conduct related activities.
- Historian
- Librarian
- The Hospitality Coordinator will be responsible for ensuring that refreshments are available for Guild meetings and other special events.
- Members-at-Large will assist other board members by taking on specific tasks that
are mutually agreed upon, and by helping to bring new ideas to the board. - The Program Director will be responsible for coordinating the speakers, programs, and equipment in consultation with the Board. The Program Director will also maintain a list of contacts used in the position and will provide a description of each program for publicity purposes (website, etc.)
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