Fruitlands demos on 10/11
So far four of us have expressed interest in helping to demo at Fruitlands on 10/11: Judith, Penny, Leslie, and me. The demo is 12-4pm. We will have the guild loom with some of Reba’s softball cotton for lap blankets. Judith offered to bring her RH to demo; I think Leslie has one too that she used in Sept. I don’t want to treadle yet because of a sore foot, but I can bring my inkle loom. So my questions are:
Are you all still willing to help? Does anyone else want to join in?
Do you want to be there all four hours, or just part?
Laura, will you take the loom back after the demo?
I can be there from 12-4. I’ll bring my RH loom warped as well as some samples of things I’ve made on it. We should also have some WGB sale postcards, poster and WGB rack cards (I have a bunch) with us. And some NVWG postcards too.
I wish I could go with you. We have company for the long weekend.
I plan to be there! Will we be in our usual place?
Recovering from back ache and cold, and should be fine enough by Sunday. Still planning on coming with warped loom etc. Will I be able to park down by the building we are usually in?
Does anyone have any NVWG postcards they could bring? I’ve got some postcards for the WGB sale and a poster. If anyone has extra WGB sale postcards, please bring them. But it would be nice to have something about the NVWG as well.