Due Date/INFO for entries to NEWS
Hello all,
This is directed to Susan T. I am entering two pieces to NEWS. Both Andrew and I are still fuzzy on the details of how we do this. Could you please let us know what we need to have for the mid-May initial due date, what that date is, and where we submit the materials. We believe photos are needed in May, but what else? WE don’t want to mess this up.
Thanks so much!
First step for entering a show – get an entry number from the guild rep. This is used instead of your name to identify your paperwork and woven item. There are different number sequences for the Fashion and Gallery shows. I can email you the forms and instructions at the same time.
2. Fill out the paperwork and assemble with the drawdown, sample or scanned fabric, and a digital photo. Everything, including the item, is due to the guild rep by mid May-ish. The deadline is not fixed in stone, since we have until June 10 to send the paperwork on to the Intake Committee for the correct show. As it happens, I’m the Intake Committee for the Gallery Show.
The digital photo should be emailed and should have a file name that includes the entry number you were assigned. It will be used during the awards ceremony, if you win something.
Paperwork and the item can be hand-delivered or mailed or transferred through a third party. I will be at the NEWS Trustees meeting at Smith College on May 6, the WGB meeting on May 10, or the Union Coffee Roaster in Ayer many Mondays between 9:30 and 11:30 am (check with me first). Otherwise, I work at home in Lunenburg.
3. The woven item needs to be delivered to the guild rep before NEWS. The guild rep is then responsible for delivering all woven items to the intake committees at NEWS on Tuesday, July 11.
I prefer email or text communications to phone calls (I screen like crazy because of the telemarketers). stargove@comcast.net or text to 508-479-3677.
Andrew – I have info from Susan I’d love to share with you. Can you email me at marie_porteus@comcast.net?