Woven Pendants in December

The Nov/Dec meeting of the NVWG will be on 3 December, starting at 1pm at the Congregational Church of Harvard, 5 Still River Rd, Harvard MA. (There is no meeting in November.) Note that this is an afternoon hands-on meeting!
Guild member Arlette Stawasz will be leading us in creating woven pendants to be used as an ornament or for a necklace. In keeping with our “Zero Waste” theme, we’ll be using thrums, so grab some pretty ones from your scrap bag! (There will plenty to share, so come even if you don’t have any thrums.)
Arlette will supply the tiny Lucite frames on which we’ll weave. The photo has a wooden frame, but we’ll be using clear Lucite.
Materials to bring:
- Scissors
- Thin thrums – small amounts are fine
- Tapestry needle
- Beads (optional)
- Needle and thread if you bring beads
Arlette has been weaving about 20 years and is the Resource Manager in the Textiles Area at the MakeIt Labs in Nashua. She likes exploring different kinds of weaving.

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